Avoid returns together

Sustainably reduce your returns
Keepoala has made it its mission to work with you and all other online shoppers to reduce the number of returns and the associated CO₂ footprint: by simply keeping your orders and we reward you for it.
How does Keepoala work?
Continue shopping as usual. To view your accumulated points and possible rewards, simply click on the Keepoala link on your order confirmation page.
Some returns simply cannot be avoided. Returned purchases do not result in negative points for us. You can help us to better understand your return by answering a few questions about your item and receive Keepoala points in return.
Why is it so important to avoid returns?
In Germany alone, around 10 packages are returned every second. That's the equivalent of the CO₂ emissions per year of flying around the world 17,500 times. But then at least you would have seen a bit of the world, whereas a returned item represents an unnecessary environmental burden.
With every return you avoid, you save at least 1.7 kg of CO2. This is regardless of the additional packaging waste that is not generated because your returned item is repackaged and shipped after being restocked. So after 7 avoided returns, you have saved the CO2 content that a tree offsets in a year through your environmentally conscious shopping behavior.
Who is behind Keepoala?
Keepoala is a young company from Munich, founded in 2021 by Sebastian, Tjark and Eik. The three have known each other since childhood and have made it their mission to make online retail more sustainable together. They don't want to wait for the big fashion companies to decide on their own to do more, but rather give us all a digital companion to fight against the return madness as an environmentally conscious community.
How much does Keepoala cost me?Participation in the Keepoala program is free for you as a customer and of course voluntary. We at JECKYBENG would like to create additional incentives for you to avoid returns and point out the environmental impact of increased returns. Just try it out for yourself: https://keepoala.com