JB: Can you introduce yourself?
MK: I am Madlen Krippendorf, 36 years old, born on July 30th, 1982, grew up in the Thuringian Forest, spent a year in Paris after graduating from high school, studied at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and at the COFA in Sydney, until then ago approx 2.5 years to Berlin.

JB: How did you get into photography?
MK: Just before I turned 18 went to Paris for a year, my parents gave me my first real camera – a Canon EOS300. But that was it for a long time. I then attended countless seminars in design and photography at the other faculties during my urban studies at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. I actually always tried very hard not to give in to the urge and to do "something sensible", but at some point the day came when that was no longer possible.

JB: What cameras do you shoot with?
MK : I usually work with a Nikon system . I like to work with Phase One in maximum resolution. But actually the camera doesn't play a role and often depends on what the customer expects from the end product.
JB: Do you have a favorite motif? If yes, why this?
MK: Indeed not, or it would probably be different tomorrow than today. I'm always very critical of my own work. My old photos tire me out quickly, so after a while I start taking new pictures and don't want to look at the old ones anymore. So I prefer to leave it to others to form their own opinion. I do have one or the other favourite, but I'm certainly not objective in the assessment. Sometimes it's just a moment, a memory.

JB: What project(s) are you currently working on?
MK: I am currently planning a story about the NGO stop!microwaste , which tackles microplastic pollution in the oceans. This has the goal of educational programs, research work and pragmatic solutions - so-called STOP! Stations – to make a contribution to plastic avoidance and recycling.
Soon I will fly to Porto for a few days with the team for various magazines and accompany them to the production sites, among other things.
In addition, there are also some travel stories with a journalist friend in the pipeline, which are not yet ready to be decided...and, as is well known, one does not like to talk about unlaid eggs.

I'm pretty intuitive and so is photography. Maybe that's why I love her so much.
JB: How do you make your money?
MK: I work as a freelance photographer for magazines. My focus is primarily in the areas of documentary, lifestyle, people and travel.
JB: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
MK: Hopefully somewhere in world history, on behalf of XY.
JB: What makes you happy?
MK: It makes me happy to photograph, to develop or capture a motif or an order in the best possible way. I burn for every job I take on. I'm pretty intuitive and so is photography. Maybe that's why I love her so much.
JB: What does a typical day in Madlen Krippendorf's life look like?
MK: There is a typical day, no two days are the same… that's also what makes this job so unique.
JB: What comes to your mind when you hear the following keywords?
Social media – Instagram… curse and chance at the same time
Music - Brenton Wood is playing along right now oogum boogum
Flow - with the orders, on the road with Finn, our Australian Shepherd, on the bike
role models - Definitely. There are many good photographers for different reasons. I always find it difficult to name names. It would be difficult for me to make a kind of best of list here. In general, however, one could say that the best ones act beforehand and not afterwards – or at least they steal first.
inspiration – Inspiration is everywhere. My family, my dog, people and what they do, how they behave, what they feel, their happiness, or music, a song, movies, news, things that I notice while driving by, but the work itself. There is always and the chance to take a great picture everywhere.
adventure - Finn
You can see more of Madlen's work here: http://www.krippendorf.photo/