Interview with gardener Felix
Felix runs the Götteldorf organic farm with his girlfriend Bibi and Johannes Fetz. The latter runs the farm in the 6th generation and the Franconian inn in the 4th generation

JB: Can you briefly introduce yourself?
FG: Felix Gleißner, born in 1994, trained gardener specializing in gardening and landscaping, professionally in the fresh air for 11 years, vocational high school in Triesdorf and a high school diploma, certified permaculture designer since 2016. International experience on ecological farms, permaculture projects and living in community ( -en). I am interested in ecology, regenerative food production, soil, trees and self-determined life within planetary boundaries
JB: How did you become a gardener?
FG: I wanted to serve the planet and avoid capitalist exploitation as much as possible. But he was hardly allowed to plant trees and constantly had to concrete up some bigwigs' front gardens. That's why I became self-employed in 2016 as a landscape gardener with a focus on permaculture and ecological building... But the people I wanted to work for didn't have enough money. But those with enough money weren't people I wanted to work for. That's why I'm finally getting into agriculture, where I have the opportunity to bring my experience and motivation to bear on 50 hectares.

Tell us a little about the organic farm Götteldorf
FG: We are a Bioland-certified farm with agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, vegetable growing and a Bioland restaurant, the Gasthaus Fetz. 8 people and many animals live here. We operate in cycles, regeneratively, water with rainwater and as economically as possible, support each other on the farm with all the tasks that arise and are closely networked with our colleagues and friends from the region.

JB: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
FG: Popular, well-known, digestible. By then I want established processes and a more regulated daily routine, financial security and a little vacation twice a year. Plus more time for your wife and dog. Work under trees, the first berry bushes are producing lushly and the stress of the foundations has disappeared. More balance and inner peace.
JB: What makes you happy?
FG: Shimmering drops of water on leaves after a gentle rain, spring water, waking up rested in the morning, healthy vegetable plants, peace and quiet, music that touches me emotionally and intellectually.
JB: What does a typical day in Felix’s life look like?
FG: Get up, get ready, 2 loaves of bread or porridge with coffee or tea, dog walk, quick to the office, then to the garden center until lunch is at 12pm. Then it starts again until 6 p.m., when it's dinner. Then shower and rest.

JB: Is there a favorite place?
FG: Yes, there are a few. But I won't tell you. :P
JB: What comes to mind when you think of the following keywords?
- Music
Folk punk, record player
-Role models
Us in 20 years. I just have to say... There are exciting people in many areas that interest me. But I have yet to find anyone who combines all of these fields in a comparable context in the way I intend.
Being privileged, new age, attempt at self-realization, hipster
Anglicism bothers me, but in principle I think the idea behind it is good. It's just that it's often suggested that you're living the wrong life if you're not permanently and unrestricted in the "flow", so to speak, an eternal journey without arrival. Our world is geared towards productivity and hedonism, negative feelings are often interpreted as personal mistakes and then succumb to limitless self-optimization madness. It's completely normal that things are stressful, that you have fears or that you're not quite up to speed. But that will pass. When it rains you get wet, but you also dry again.
- Inspiration
- Adventure
Looking at life from the perspective of eternity